Sunday, July 29, 2012

Doa ibu

29 july. Puasa ke 9.

Aku tidur awal tapi around 1am aku terbangun sebab bunyi notification twitter dari phone. Meol tweet "xnak ikut baking class ke?" hahah. Then rancak lah aku tweeting. Tweet punya tweet tidak sedar sampai jam 2 sudah. So alang-alang lah kan teruskan sampai sahur sebab aku lah tukang masak family, kalau aku terlajak tidur naya juga jadi peyebab seisi rumah nda sahur kan. So alarm untuk masak ialah jam315. Sementara tunggu 315 memang aku tweeting dan dengar lagu ja.

Tepat 315 am, aku pun turun lah mau pegi dapur and this is the moment where i saw a beautiful very beautiful scene. I saw my mum, my ibu sedang sujud di sejadah, tahajud. Mata terus berair okay. Bayangkan patutnya kalau kita nda boleh tidur, kita beribadah lah kan bukan macam aku tweeting.

They said. Salah satu keberkatan yang kita ada dalam hidup ini ialah keberkatan doa ibu. Indahnya. Ever wonder dari mana datangnya hati kamu yang kuat mau hadapi break up? Dari mana datangnya result yang bagus walaupun malas kalah babi? Dari mana datangnya rezeki bila kau rasa tiada duit sudah? Dari mana datangnya ketenangan hati?

Ya betul, memang ada banyak faktor lain untuk kita dapat segala jenis kekuatan, segala jenis kesenangan. Tapi bagi aku, salah satu sebab terbaik ialah doa ibu. Paling mujarab. And pernahkah kamu berterima kasih atas semua doa doa ibu?

Yang kamu tau pasal doa ni kalau masa exam ja kan? Di situlah kau ' mak doakan aku ya?' kalau mama aida, bila aida cakap macam tu, mama dia jawab 'iya nak, jangan susah, memang hari-hari mama kasi doa kau tapi kau mesti belajar juga kalau nda biar banyak didoa pun nda kau berjaya' ehehe. :P

Spend a little time, wish your mum thank you for all her prayers will you?

Setiap kali aku birthday or even in random times, ibu always text me saying that 'ibu p mana2 pun ibu nda pernah lupa doakan anak-anak ibu' and i believe every mother in this world will do the same thing despite religions and all that, every mother will be just the same.

Its just i really2 believe in doa ibu you know. So bila nampak ibu tahajud i imagined she has a lot to say to Allah, she has a lot to wish and pray for her husband, for her children, for her family, for her friend. I imagined she has a lot to ask from Allah, things that money cannot buy, things that she cannot give to us. Such as rezeki, good result, ketabahan, kekuatan, keselamatan.

I seriously believe in that. Terutama lah aku ni broken heart sentiasa by the same guy. Its not broken cuma yala kisah yang tidak berkesudahan. But my heart is kind of strong, i am not showing off, i just want to illustrate more. So i believe this kind of strong heart come from her prayers and most of it comes from her gene lah.

Take some time to say thanks to your mother, hug her. Okay? Her prayers make you you today! Her prayers keep you safe! And kalau ibu anda berada bersama Tuhan, its your time to send some prayers for her.:) say thank you, she is listening.:)

Oh and you too should pray a lot for your mother!

Very well people.
Salam ramadhan.

"May Allah leads you to a better woman"

"may Allah leads you to a better woman"-mumun.

I read that in her blog. And that little phrase, is beyond inspiring.

I myself for all these years, about 6 years to be exact, was kind of a good ex, maybe. But those words, i never ever thought about that. Yes i might be praying for his happiness, be it with or without me i always say, for him to meet a girl that can make him happy which at this moment as i make this post, i think he have found one. :)

But to pray for Allah to leads him to a better woman than me. Why do i never thought about that.

People talks about redha and forgiving. It is kind of hard to do, yes. Try to be in our shoes and feel how hard it is. But i believe in this two things, if you can forgive, and you are redha enough, insyaAllah it is more easier for you to let go.

Talks about letting go. I clarified myself already let go of him. And talks about the context of letting go, it is not necessary to have a substitute so that you can be happy. Yes it is one of the way but it is not a must.

Don't worry about me. Though he has found a substitute and i am still single. I believe in faith. It is just not my time yet. And i am very happy with what i have now. With all the love from people around me. I am contended.

I have leave my heart opened. Let see who can go through everything go through against the odd to be with me. In silence, i am waiting.

And for that special lucky girl, do know that you are lucky to have an oppurtunity to know him, to love him. He is one of a kind, special in every way. Have patience in dealing him. Yes he is quite weak when there are many attractive girls(sometime not even attractive) around. Put in a lot of trust in him. don't push him too much. He likes to play around but he loves you. He will.:)

And as for us, me and him. I'm not just his ex, i'm his friend, the greatest one in the mean time before you be the greatest friend for him. Put away your jealousy of me. Try to know me and not to forget try to know his friends too. We don't bite. Hehe. and yes, i am quite near with his family, but i hope you don't feel any pressure in that. We cannot do anything as we could break the gf bf relationship but not the family bonds. At the very least, maybe i could drag myself far away to make way for you to come in his family, i will, if you want to. You are lucky, girl. Don't you ever forget that. And please make him happy. It is not hard to put a smile on his face, even a candy could.:) just be there for him. My prayers are all around.

From 21 years old nysa.

About me #1

I find myself not attracted to straight forward guys. Its nice to be straight forward, i know. But most probably it is because i'm afraid. I think i need someone to make me fly high then make me fall but that someone will be ready to catch me.

I am sorry for being too stiff. My walls were made higher day by day and its been too long. I'm truly sorry. But i believe there's someone who will willingly breaks those wall, patiently trying. I know. I know. And i'm patiently waiting too.